- Jun 1st 2023
- Posted by Jason Krell
Mox Spotlight June: Chaosium
The summer heat is here, and the best way to beat it is with a nice, cool tabletop roleplaying game. That’s why this month’s Mox Spotlight is Chaosium. Throughout all of June, all Chaosium products are 10% off — meaning you can while away your days in an imaginary world of your choosing. Whether you want to save the humanity from Eldritch Horrors or embark on a fantasy quest of adventure, you’ll be covered.Saturday, June 24, is also Free RPG Day! Mox Boarding House will be celebrating at all locations, meaning customers can come in and pick up freebies while supplies last! We'll have goodies available from your favorite gaming franchises, like D&D, Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics, and many more. Plus, you can even snag a free dice bag or tray if you come in early. Cal