- Oct 29th 2019
An Interview with Gale Force Nine
Gale Force Nine is known not only for quality miniatures and gaming terrain but also board games. The Dune board game just hit our shelves this week and we are so excited to give it a try. An even better surprise? Being able to interview John-Paul Brisigotti, CEO of Gale Force Nine. Check out what he had to say:
(Nick Rauzi of Mox Boarding House) Gale Force Nine (GF9) has a great assortment of Sci-Fi themed intellectual property games, and keeps announcing new ones like Dune and Aliens. What are about Sci-Fi themes that makes Gale Force Nine so excited to push and support them?
(John-Paul Brisigotti of Gale Force Nine) It was never specifically sci-fi that we went after, D&D being a prime example, but properties with deep history and content to explore was what drove us. Star Trek,